Why Every RevOps Leader Needs High Emotional Intelligence

EP22 | Why Every RevOps Leader Needs High Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence?

An article from Harvard Business says Emotional Intelligence is defined as “the ability to understand and manage your emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.”

Emotional Intelligence is divided into 4 specific categories: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relational management.


This is the ability for an individual to recognize one’s own emotions and their effect on you and others around you.


This is the ability to manage one’s emotions, particularly in stressful situations, and to maintain a positive outlook despite challenges and setbacks.

Social awareness

This is the ability to recognize others’ emotions and the dynamics in play within those around you.

Relationship management

This is the ability to influence, coach, and mentor others, as well as resolve conflict effectively.

What are the benefits of high Emotional Intelligence to a RevOps Leader?

RevOps leaders benefit in a number of way from hight EQ, including Influence, Communication, and Impact.


RevOps leaders are responsible for influencing individual across the entire organization… up, out, and down.

Up: RevOps is often the right hand partner to the CRO, with influence across many of the individuals in the C suite and even the board.

Out: RevOps works closely with all the leaders across the entire GTM function, including marketing, sales, and customer success. Whether these departments are lead by a VP, Director, or Head, it’s critical that the RevOps leader has the skills to be able to navigate these relationship.

Down: RevOps also finds themselves working closely with other individual contributors within the GTM teams. From technology to KPIs to enablement, the RevOps leader must be able to influence others effectively.


An effective RevOps leader is skilled at communication. They know when to speak up, and when not to. They’re able to read situations and understand how best to communicate to those around them. Their communication methodologies include verbal, written, reports, and even video.

RevOps leaders establish regular cadences of communication, ensuring everyone around them is updated with the latest insights and progress. They constantly ask, “What’s the most effective way to communicate this idea to this person?”


The bottom line is RevOps should be creating impact within the organizations. This often requires a significant amount of change management. To be effective requires the RevOps leader to take an approach to change that’s both strategic and empathetic.

Change is hard, yet it’s often inevitable to any organization looking to scale and grow. The best RevOps leaders are about to balance the knowledge that changes is needed with the emotion that change is hard. Then they create a clear path for others to follow, always balancing the two.

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